
総括班では、領域全体の目標である無秩序系の数理モデル構築に関するパイオニア、世界的権威であるJean Bellissard 氏を招き、連続講演を行っていただきました。活発な議論があり大変有意義でした。

開催日 2018年3月13日(火)~ 15日(木)
場所 東北大学 AIMR本館 4C
講演者 Jean Bellissard 教授(Münster 大学)

1) 3月13日(火)11:00-12:00

Title A toy model for viscosity
Abstract After introducingtext-align: center;text-align: center; the topics and the main problem, from experimental point of view, the concept of "anankeon" will be introduced and explained. Then an atomic scale model of interaction between phonons and anankeons will be proposed. If time allows, a more detailed explanation about the methodology used to solve this model will be provided. If time is too short, the discussion of the results will be given. In particular, this model provides an atomic scale mechanism leading to a change in the dependence of the viscosity with respect to temperature. In addition, it also provides a mechanism to distinguish between strong and fragile glasses in the liquid state.

2) 3月14日(水)11:00-12:00

Title About topological invariants in quantum many-body problems
Abstract While this program has not yet produced much results, I'll propose possible strategies to define rigorously and to characterize topological aspects of quantum many-body problems. This talk might offer an opportunity to have discussions and to exchange ideas.

3) 3月15日(木)11:00-12:00

Title Periodic approximations to aperioid Hamiltonians
Abstract The topics will be motivated through the various attempts performed in the last 30 years to compute the energy spectrum of electrons in an aperiodic medium, such as quasicrystals. Then results obtained in 2016 on continuous fields of self-adjoint operators will be presented. Results about continuous fields of C*-algebras and groupoids obtained in the past and more recently, will be described. Then recent results about the specific case for one-dimensional aperiodic media will be given. A short description of the next steps, being under writing, will be provided. This work is a collaboration with Siegfried Beckus, Giuseppe De Nittis and Horia Cornean.