
Knots and Polymers:
Aspects of topological entanglement in DNA, proteins and graph-shaped polymers

開催場所:お茶の水女子大学 共通講義棟2号館201室

概要: Recently, various aspects in topological properties of polymers and biopolymers such as DNA and proteins have attracted much attention in many different fields of science. Statistical and dynamical properties of circular DNA which may be knotted or unknotted and pseudoknots of proteins are studied both experimentally and theoretically. Various polymers with complex chemical connectivity expressed by graphs havebeen synthesized, which we call topological polymers. Interestingly, symplectic geometry plays an important role in the statisticalmechanics of ring polymers and topological polymers. In the presentworkshop we discuss various topological aspects of polymers throughseveral different interdisciplinary approaches and seek a unifiedperspective among them.

組織委員 :
出口 哲生(お茶の水女子大学)
手塚 育志(東京工業大学)
下川 航也(埼玉大学)
